Meet Joseph Kolb, CFP®

Doing What I love

I come from a proud military family, with my father being an Air Force veteran and my mother being a devoted stay-at-home mom who raised four children. As a military brat, I had the opportunity to live in various locations such as Oklahoma, Germany, Illinois, and Montana, and in Rhode Island.

My passion for financial planning led me to pursue higher education, earning a bachelor's degree in Business Studies from Southern New Hampshire University and the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation from Bryant University.

To gain practical experience, I joined a large, registered investment advisory firm where I spent almost five years working my way up from Associate to Director of Financial Planning and the magnitude of real-world experience gained was invaluable. However, I desired to focus my time exclusively on clients, which led me to start my own firm in 2012. Since then, I have had the pleasure of helping families achieve their financial goals, doing what I love.

I currently reside in Wickford with my wife Carrie and our two Brussels Griffons, Georgina and Theodore.

“Imagine how much stuff you'd have to make up if you were forced to talk 24/7. Remember this when watching financial news on TV.”

— Morgan Housel —